last blog

Hello everyone, today is the last blog of the class, I must confess that I really like English, but I do not understand much, I fin it hard to speak and write, when I write it always takes me a lot time, I helpies my classmates and the wordreference dictionary, I find it easier to read, although I still need a lot of vocabulary and when it comes to audios, I feel that I'm at understanding them but I feel like I'm a rookie and I difficults to follow the audios, they are a bit quick and I can not recognize the words, I know that everything is pure practice and I hope to one day hear read and write without any problem. I always think that to improve in English I should take a course outside the university, I imagine that I would have more time to practice it and start from the basics to understand everything with better clarity, since I feel that two days of classes composed of one hour and a half is not enough to understand everything that I must understand and apply. alr...